Cosmetic Center - Belite brezi District

Sofia, Sofia

Cosmetic Center - Belite brezi District

Sofia, Sofia
418 000 BGN
Added on:
  • Area (м2)


  • Price per m2

    2473.37 BGN/m2


Cosmetic center located on Lerin Street 62. The object is on two levels with a terrace and an English courtyard. It consists of:

  • First level in the basment of the building - two warehouses, solarium, room for cosmetics, waxing room, jacuzzi, hall and louges, massage room, sauna, three dressing rooms, service rooms, together with English (interior) courtyard with an area of 19,54 sq.m.
  • Second level comprising hairdressing salon, manicure room, staff area, service rooms and roof terrace of 22,83 sq.m.

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